Saturday, November 30, 2013

One of a parent's worst phone calls...

One of the worst phone calls a parent can receive starts with "I've been in an accident".  All the strange things that go through your mind in about 2.2 seconds is amazing.  The firing of questions is fast and furious.  Let's start with, "Are you ok?"  "Where are you?"  "What happened?"  "Anyone with you?"  "Anyone hurt?".  The questions go on and on and it's amazing how fast we as parents can rattle them off while the whole time you're just trying to figure out how to get to your kid the fastest way possible.
This was my evening a couple of Friday's ago.  My son was in a four car accident on the highway.  Someone going about 50 MPH rear ended him causing his vehicle to hit the one in front of him which in turn hit the one in front of them.  The Jeep is totaled but he and everyone else walked away so as far as I'm concerned the Jeep did it's job and kept him safe.
It's his first accident so he's been playing the "what if" game.  "What if my friends had been with me?"  Well, they would have been badly injured.  The back seat was destroyed and the driver side seat broke.  "What if the air bag hadn't gone off?"  More than likely I would have seen his head print in the windshield.  I didn't so I'm good with the fact that they did go off.  "What if the gas tank had leaked?"  The car that hit him lifted his vehicle and hit the gas tank.  The gas tank held, didn't leak and didn't explode so again  I'm thankful.  As a young man he's having a harder time not thinking of the "What if".  I, on the other hand am just thankful for "what is".  He is ok and none of the bad things that he keeps thinking about happened to him. 
I am thankful to see his smiling face every day!

1 comment:

  1. Yes that is a parent's worst nightmare! So glad that he is fine, and the loss of a car is really nothing in the greater scheme of things.
